• Digital hospitality a contradiction? Not according to Smart Event Manager!

    Digital hospitality a contradiction? Not according to Smart Event Manager!

    Je zult maar weinig eventmanagers of medewerkers van een locatie vinden die niet openstaan voor tijdwinst. Stel je voor: in één slag meer efficiëntie en meer overzicht in je werk. En wat te denken van een veel lagere foutgevoeligheid? Maar, dan moet je als eventmanager wel openstaan voor het digitaliseren én standaardiseren van je werkzaamheden.…

  • Successful digitization: 5 tips for your business

    Successful digitization: 5 tips for your business

    Digitizing event management can greatly improve efficiency within an organization. But where do you start? Digitizing is not something you do overnight. It requires a strategic approach and careful planning. In this blog, we share five smart tips that will help your business digitize successfully. 1. Start on time! Implementing software is a process that…

  • Summer promotion: 50% off workouts

    Summer promotion: 50% off workouts

    Training is essential to get the most out of any tool, and that includes Smart Event Manager. The training sessions are designed to help you get the most out of the software, with practical tips and hands-on exercises. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced professional looking to deepen…

  • Digital hospitality a contradiction? Not according to Smart Event Manager!

    Digital hospitality a contradiction? Not according to Smart Event Manager!

    Are the words “digital” and “hospitable” diametrically opposed in your mind? Not after you have Linda Bosman and Maarten Moors, Sales Consultants at Voorraedt / Smart Event Manager , asking for their views. ‘We are convinced that the opposite is true. If you properly deploy a digital tool such as, for example, our updated Online…